Saturday 21 April 2012

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Friday 20 April 2012

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Skin pimples treatment very effective prone areas clean at all times

Skin pimples treatment greasy skin and of course scars

Waking up in the morning with great big pimple on your forehead is a big disaster for many people. Especially teenagers who are really affected because this is the stage where in they are building their personality and making good impressions to people and earn that self esteem. 80 out of 100 people around the globe suffer from acne. Mostly get pimple in the age of 12-25, but ages 30 and up can also suffer from acne. Many of them struggle so much in dealing with their situation and also from finding a pimple treatment product that will work for them. What is acne anyway? Acne is a skin condition that can cause one of the following whiteheads, blackheads, yellow or dark spots, greasy skin and of course scars. Acne is cause by the over production of oil or sebum by the sebaceous glands. Once dirt and excess oil joins together pimple comes out. Face, neck, chest and back are parts of the skin that are prone to acne because sebaceous glands are quite bigger and active in these areas. But we don't have to pity ourselves because we can treat pimples and we can prevent them coming out before it gets worse. Home treatments for pimples Always keep your face and other prone areas clean at all times. Wash your face at least twice or thrice a day with a mild cleanser. Excessive washing though can aggravate the production of sebum and will take out the natural moisture of the skin making more breakouts avoid using harsh soaps and cleansers to avoid stripping out the essential oils. There are plenty of over the counter pimple treatment products that you can buy in many drugstores that will be effective in your pimples. These products usually contain benzoyl peroxide that acts as antibacterial agents. It dries out the oil and skin, which will then promote shedding of the first layer of the skin. In this stage it makes it harder for the pores to be block and infection to occur. Peelind and redness of the skin occur when using Benzoyl peroxide but it will settle down after continuous use. The treatment using these home treatments, the will be gradual development in the appearance of your skin. You will notice the changes after 2 to 3 months of continuous use, so don't rush things up. If you have severe breakouts you can consider visiting a dermatologist to help you with your pimple problem. A dermatologist can prescribe you the right pimple treatment products more suitable to your skin type. Topical gel are usually given to patients with severe acne which contains Azelaic acid as an alternative to benzoyl peroxide and it is a milder solution that prevents soreness of the skin. Medicines that are based on vitamin A are also popular in the treatment of pimples like Topical retinoids. It promotes peeling of the skin and it is rub once or twice a day depending on your pimples severity. It is applied in the skin together with an antibacterial lotion to control the peeling. These treatments should continue for about 6 months to totally treat your pimples. Oral treatments are also very effective in the treatment of pimples. Oral antibiotic tablets are given to a patient with inflammatory acne. Tablets are taken for three months daily. However oral treatments cannot prevent pore blockage, so it is usually prescribed together with benzoyl peroxide. Other contraceptive pills are prescribed to women with acne because it suppresses the activity of male hormones. Isotretinoin is a form of medicine called oral retinoid, it can also comes in a gel form that dries up pimples. It is usually prescribed to patients with severe acne that doesn't seem to improve with milder preparations and with the supervision of a dermatologist. Though using Isotrtinoin have serious side effects such as depression and disorder of the liver. Pregnant women should not take Isotretinoin because it is very harmful to unborn children. Pimple treatment requires patience, as it will take several months before you will see visible results. It is also very important that you are well informed about your situation to avoid wasting of time and money experimenting for the wrong pimple treatments products. Visit your dermatologist for the right treatment and stick with your medications.

How to cure pimples on face dirt clogging up your pores

How to cure pimples on face of teenagers easily treated

One of the common sights today is the presence of pimples on the face. Not only does this condition known as acne occur on the face of teenagers, whose high levels of hormones as well as often unhygienic practices contribute to the outgrowth of acne, but anyone from those in their twenties up to those in old age can actually experience pimples on the face. Pimples are often the result of pores becoming clogged with dirt. It is important to remember that the skin is the largest organ in the body, and as such it is also the one with the largest chance of becoming infected. Essentially, once the pores are clogged infections can develop leading to the redness that is a frequent symptom of acne. Apart from dirt clogging up your pores, another usual factor that contributes to the development of pimples is the presence of factors such as unhealthy lifestyle choices as well as stress. For instance, the wrong diet can sometimes contribute to the outbreak of acne. There are studies that have been made linking food types such as milk, chocolate, and fatty foods with the presence of acne. Once you have acne, the next most important thing for you to do is to find the best treatment against pimples on the face. It is important to remember that acne is an easily treated condition and that you should not have much trouble with it if you act quickly. There are several treatment options that are available against pimples on the face. One of the easiest is through the use of over the facial cleansers that will effectively remover the dirt that can clog the skin. This often constitutes a type of proactive treatment against acne. For those who have chronic acne, however, a better option would be to add scrubs to your skin care regime. Find facial and skin scrubs that have salicylic acid, which minimizes the redness as well as reducing the levels of bacteria in the pores. Over the counter medication is also available for treating pimples on the face. There are several options that you can try out, such as topical ointments which also have salicylic acid. These creams often have greater concentrations of salicylic acid for immediate effect. There are now acne creams that promise results in 24 hours as well, for those who experience sudden outbreaks of pimples on the face. Finally, check out various home remedies to treat pimples on the face. The most popular is the use of aloe Vera, which is a naturally soothing gel, found in the aloe plant. It provides instant relief to itching and red skin. You may also want to try other natural remedies such as the use of bitter melon masks. These are made by blending bitter melons to a pulp and using it as a mask to remove acne. There is no reason to have lower self esteem or experience insecurity as well as the annoying itching and pain that accompanies pimples on the face, with the right treatment.

White heads on face How To Get Rid Of Them

White heads on face Why Leave Whiteheads Alone

Introduction Acne comes in many different forms with the most popular being pimples, blackheads and whiteheads. If you do develop whiteheads it is important that you leave them alone. Here is why you should leave them alone, some methods on how to get rid of them and how to prevent them. What Are Whiteheads Acne is a skin condition that people normally associate with pimples. There are four components that contribute to the development of acne. These components are increase amounts of body oil, dead skin, clogged pores and bacteria (P. acnes). Here is how they relate to each other: Your body will secrete excess amounts of oil or sebum that will clump youre dead skin together. The clumped skin will clog your pores which results in blackheads or whiteheads. If any bacteria is trapped in your pores, your immune system will attack the bacteria. When this happens your pores will become inflamed, redden and develop pus. Whiteheads are then one step short of developing into pimples. Why Leave Whiteheads Alone If you do not want to leave scars on your face, never, never squeeze a whitehead. Whiteheads are different from pimples in that if you squeeze whiteheads they will break the skin leaving a permanent red scar. If you do develop a whitehead, just leave it alone because they will usually go away in a few days. But if you want to remove here is the recommended way to have them removed. How To Get Rid Of Them To have them manually removed go to your cosmetologist and have them remove them. They are trained in removing acne and whiteheads without leaving any scars or causing any infections. They usually soften your face by steaming it. This will allow for your pores to open up, then using a special needle they will remove the whitehead. How To Prevent Whiteheads The best way to remove whiteheads is not to develop them in the first place. What is recommended to prevent acne is for you to do the following: Cleanse your face twice a day with a cleanser designed for your type of skin. Once when you get up and again before you retire. This will remove excess oils, bacteria and dead skin. Exfoliate your face once or twice a week. This will remove more of your dead skin and expose fresh new skin. Conclusion If you develop whiteheads, never try to remove them yourself, have a professional perform the procedure or just let them go away by themselves. The best way to remove whiteheads is to not develop them in the first place. You can do this by cleansing and exfoliating your face. Jimmy C has been studying skin care for many years because of his skin problems in his youth and he is the Editor in Chief of a number of skin care web sites. Being a victim of acne in his younger days, he has researched this subject to help people prevent and stop acne. He has also studied many aspects of caring for the bodies skin and keeping it youthful and free of irritants.

Cure for pimples on face Quickly Get Rid Of Pimples

cure for pimples on face work without any side effects

Pimples or acne can be a real hassle to deal with. They can be embarrassing for most people and it can lower your self esteem. So in this article I am going to share with you some simple yet effective natural ways to get rid of acne at home. With this information you will know how to cure pimples on your face or any part of your body. There are many known ways to get rid of pimples fast, but the best way to get rid of blackheads or acne is to use natural home ingredients. They have been proven to really work without any side effects whatsoever. The actual cause of pimples is not known but one thing that is known is that it is associated with puberty and every human will at one time in their life have a pimples infection. Although it may be severe and serious for some people. If you are looking for natural remedies for pimples, you may find the following tips listed below very helpful. How To Quickly Get Rid Of Pimples: 1. Honey is a very good natural ingredient that has excellent healing and cleansing ability. All you have to do is you simply wash your face with warm water. This will help to open the pores of your skin. And then you apply some honey on your face. You can then wash your face after some few minutes. Repeat this process until your skin clears. 2. One of the quickest ways to get rid of a pimple is to apply a common home ingredient, your toothpaste. You will need to do this at night before going to bed. Apply toothpaste to your pimples directly and leave it on till morning. You can then wash it off. 3. Another easy way to get rid of acne at home is to drink a lot of water. There are many toxins in your bloodstream and by drinking a lot of water your body flush out these toxins and you stand a better chance of avoiding any breakout. You should drink a least 9 cups of water per day. 4. Apricot juice is a good home cure for acne that is very effective in curing blackheads or pimples. All you have to do is apply apricot juice to your acne or pimples directly, and leave it on for at least 10-12 minutes a day. Do this routine as often as you like until you see the desired result on your skin. 5. To avoid any further outbreak of acne or pimples, you will need to take in the right diet. By providing your body with the right kind of nutrient your body will be able to get rid of your infections naturally. You should eat a lot of vegetable and fruits like, carrots, apples, cucumber, oranges, spinach etc. Avoid any fatty foods and sugar, they will cause more outbreaks. These are some few ways on how to cure pimples on your face. Use these natural remedies to cure your pimples. If you don't do something about your pimples now, they may spread, over your whole body, which includes your butt, chest, and back. Bonus Secret Tip For You: Getting Rid Of Pimples On Your Face Or Any Part Of Your Body Is Easier With Acne No More System. It Is Truly The Best Way To Get Rid Of Pimples, Blackheads Or Acne Permanently, Within 7 Days.

Hormonal acne treatment spots pimples pustules and cysts breakouts

A proper hormonal balance can help to combat acne

It has been estimated that nine out of ten people have had acne at one time or another in their lives, there are some factors which are common in causing acne. Perhaps the most important of these factors is hormones. If you are looking for more information on hormonal acne treatment, then read this article to discover the role that hormones play in the formation of spots, pimples, pustules and cysts. After reading this article you should have a good understanding of hormonal acne treatment. It has not been scientifically proven that hereditary factors are important in deciding whether or not you will have acne problems. But the chances are that if one or both of your parents were susceptible to getting spots then you will be too. The groups of people that are most likely to get acne are teenagers, pregnant women and women who are menstruating. This is because of hormonal changes in the body. Androgens are the hormone which can cause your skin follicles to block. This is the hormone that makes the follicles enlarge and get oily. This oil is called sebum. Sebum mixes with your skin cells, blocks your follicles and is one of the main causes of acne breakouts. It is therefore a very good idea to get your hormones in balance in order to treat acne. Some women have been prescribed the birth control pill because it has helped to balance their hormones. A proper hormonal balance can help to combat acne. This can be achieved by: Making sure that your diet is a healthy one, avoid oily foods Reducing stress in your life Making sure that you drink lots of water each day Taking regular exercise Avoiding drinking coffee By balancing your hormones you will improve the health of your skin. This method of treating acne is especially good because there are no other risks to your health from doing it. The only side-effect of hormonal acne treatment is healthier skin. Discover how you can eliminate painful acne using REAL proven remedies quickly! Download my free report The Truth About Acne Click Here Now To Download Your Free Acne Report!